Charger Steve provides thorough step-by-step tasks on pretty much everything you need to know and do to get started with putting on your own car shows. From all of the basics of determining your show’s name, location, and date to filling your show with sponsors, participants, and spectators to successfully executing your show day, Charger Steve gives you all of his tips and tricks from his 20+ years of experience hosting car shows.
With Charger Steve’s Car Show Handbook, you will learn how to:
start your show off on the right foot by determining your show’s purpose and format;
find the best venues for hosting car shows, the differences between each type, and how to evaluate each option;
navigate the governmental red tape of hosting events;
get sponsors, participants, spectators, vendors, staff, and volunteers to participate in and support your show; and
properly plan for and execute your show day to ensure your show goes off without a hitch.
As an added bonus, Charger Steve uses icons to denote his Tips, True Stories, and things to Remember to spotlight certain information that will not only be useful to you, but save you time, energy, and frustration.
Charger Steve’s Car Show Handbook is your one stop guide that anyone aspiring to host their own car shows must own.